  • Monday 3 February
  • Hour: 14:00
  • Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali

    Via Accademia Albertina, 15,

    10123 Torino TO

Presentazione attività operativa e calendario CITES 2025 Carabinieri Forestale

On Monday, February 3, at 2 p.m., a press conference will be held on the Operational Activity carried out by Carabinieri Forestale in the Piedmont Region during the year 2024. The results of the activity conducted by the Carabinieri Forestry departments will be illustrated highlighting the main activities carried out during the year.

A highlight will then be the presentation of the CITES 2025 calendar dedicated to South America. The 12 images of the calendar, each intended for a particular biogeographical region, will take us on a discovery of the American subcontinent, which, hosting the largest tropical forest on the planet, represents one of the richest environments in animal and plant biodiversity. Then there could be no shortage of contributions to Charles Darwin, 190 years after his arrival in South America and his landing on the islands of the Galapagos Archipelago, which have had such an impact on the way we view our planet and the continuing evolution of its biological systems.

The calendar will not be in distribution.

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