  • Wednesday 5 February
  • Hour: 18:00
  • Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali

    Via Accademia Albertina, 15,

    10123 Torino TO

The origin of species from Darwin to the present day

Talk by Dr. Marco Ferraguti.

Although Darwin's book is titled The Origin of Species, many twentieth-century evolutionists accused Darwin of misunderstanding the topic that gives the book its title. This was because the idea of species that Darwin had in mind was radically different from the one we have, and therefore different in his mind were the mechanisms that lead to the origin of a new species. Today things have changed, and alongside the mechanisms of speciation generally accepted by the “Modern Synthesis” many others have been proposed. In this logic, especially in the area of “Ecological speciation,” many of the ideas proposed by Darwin have been recovered

How many things can one learn about the natural world? Find it all out at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences!